Gebrüder Frei is one of seven companies in Baden-Württemberg that receive the "familyNET 4.0 - corporate culture in a digital working world" award on Nov. 29, 2022. With this award, the state Ministry of Economics and the Bildungswerk der Baden-Württembergischen Wirtschaft (Biwe Group) honor the performance of companies that have made above-average digital offers to improve the compatibility of work and family. The award was presented at a digital ceremony by Economics and Labor Minister Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut and Stefan Küpper, Managing Director of the Biwe Group. "Companies in the state have achieved, restructured and mastered an incredible amount in the face of ongoing crises," Hoffmeister-Kraut explained. "We want to honor this outstanding commitment and motivate other companies to follow suit."
In the category "Leadership 4.0 and Flexible Team Structures," the jury, which was made up of representatives from business, science and the ministry, awarded the prize to Gebrüder Frei with the following justification: Frei creates the framework conditions for a family-friendly work-life balance, uses digitalization to reconcile family and career, and increases employee satisfaction and loyalty by easing the workload and making it more flexible. Frei's managers see themselves as coaches, designers and developers, there are no hierarchies in the project teams and employees can access the cloud-based development system from almost any device, regardless of location.